Will you help us reach 5,000? – Redrock Report October 2011

Here’s what is happening this month with the redrock:
1. Sign the petition to Protect Greater Canyonlands on the White House’s new petition site!
2. Have you heard?  There’s lots going on with the Greater Canyonlands campaign.
3. The next Utah Wilderness Dialogue features Stephen Trimble.
4. See a Wild Utah slideshow in November!

The White House has a new petition site, and we need your help!

The White House has started a new petition site called “We the People” and has pledged to respond to petitions that reach 5,000 signatures in 30 days.

Click here to sign the petition to Protect Greater Canyonlands and to share it on Facebook and Twitter.

If we can reach 5,000 signatures in the next couple of weeks, then the Obama administration will issue an official response on their website — they will have to take notice.

To reach 5,000 this quickly we will need your help — after signing, please remember to ask your family and friends to sign as well.

Sign the petition to Protect Greater Canyonlands today!

In other Greater Canyonlands news:

The campaign to protect Greater Canyonlands is well underway. Have you heard?

    Greater Canyonlands field work
    Designated route in Greater Canyonlands with a
    sign installed by the BLM.  Can you even find the
    correct path?
  • SUWA’s field staff have been keeping busy the last few
    months photo-documenting the controversial off-road vehicle trails that were designated by the Bureau of Land Management within Greater Canyonlands.
    These routes – located in iconic areas such as Labyrinth
    Canyon, Indian Creek, White Canyon
    and Robber’s Roost – illustrate precisely why SUWA’s Greater Canyonlands
    petition is crucial to protecting the wilderness qualities of these
    awe-inspiring landscapes.  Read more here.
  • Aron Ralston, subject of the movie 127 Hours, wrote an op-ed in the Denver Post calling on President Obama to: “…use your authority under the Antiquities Act of 1906: Issue an executive
    order to designate the million-acre area outside Canyonlands National
    Park as a Greater Canyonlands National Monument.”
  • Redrock activists have collected over 8,000 postcards to President Obama in support of protecting Greater Canyonlands.  To see a map of support and to find out how to get involved, click here.
  • Sixteen outdoor businesses in western Colorado sent President Obama a letter urging him to “provide the highest level of protection for the Greater Canyonlands area.”
  • Last week, SUWA Media Director Mathew Gross and Field Attorney Liz Thomas joined
    the staff of EcoFlight and four students from CU Boulder and Colorado
    Mountain College to discuss and see firsthand the threats posed to the Greater
    Canyonlands region by oil and gas drilling and potash and uranium
    mining.  Read more here.
  • The group of artists and photographers who have signed on in support of protecting Greater Canyonlands continues to grow.  See their work here.

Attend a Utah Wilderness event in November

Utah Wilderness Dialogues: Stephen Trimble

Please join us at 6:30 p.m. on Wed., Nov. 9, at Jane’s Home,
1229 East South Temple, Salt Lake City, for this free presentation.

Stephen Trimble
Stephen Trimble

As a writer, editor, and photographer, Stephen Trimble has published more
than twenty award-winning books, including: Bargaining for Eden: The
Fight for the Last Open Spaces in America, The Geography of Childhood:
Why Children Need Wild Places (with Gary Paul Nabhan), The Sagebrush
Ocean: A Natural History of the Great Basin, Testimony: Writers of the
West Speak on Behalf of Utah Wilderness (with Terry Tempest Williams),
and The People: Indians of the American Southwest. Trimble teaches
creative nonfiction, works as an advocate with many conservation
organizations, and makes his home in Salt Lake City and in the redrock
country of Torrey, Utah. Learn more about Trimble’s recent books and
photography on his website. Appetizers for the event have been generously donated by Café Trio.

Please RSVP at http://suwa.org/trimble
Invite friends using Facebook by clicking here.

Visit our website to see the full fall schedule for the Utah Wilderness Dialogues.

SUWA’s “Wild Utah” Slideshow is still on the road

SUWA’s popular multi-media slideshow, Wild Utah: America’s Redrock Wilderness will be coming to Florida, Michigan, and Wisconsin in the coming weeks.  Click here for the fall slideshow schedule.

To host a slideshow, or to recommend a group or venue for a presentation, please contact:

Brooke Williams (brooke@suwa.org) if you live in the NORTHWEST.

Terri Martin (terri@suwa.org) if you live in the SOUTHWEST.

Clayton Daughenbaugh (clayton@suwa.org) if you live in the MIDWEST.

Jackie Feinberg (jackie@suwa.org) if you live in the EAST.

*Want to volunteer for the redrock wilderness?  Click here to tell us how you would like to be involved.*

change.orgSign the petition to save Greater Canyonlands