Planned estate giving offers you a meaningful way to make a profound commitment to land conservation, ensuring that your passion for preserving America’s redrock wilderness resonates far into the future. By planning a gift today, you not only leave an enduring mark on the landscapes you cherish but also provide critical funding for SUWA’s mission, assuring our continued ability to protect America’s redrock wilderness now and for future generations. Thank you.
Create your will
SUWA is working with FreeWill, an online tool that guides you through creating a free your will in 20 minutes or less. Including a planned estate gift to SUWA in your will is a tangible way for us to continue our important work on behalf of Utah’s last remaining wild places.
FreeWill is not affiliated with SUWA. SUWA makes no endorsement of FreeWill’s services and expressly disclaims all liability based on use of FreeWill’s services. Use of FreeWill’s self-help solutions to prepare a will or other legal document is not a substitute for the advice of an attorney, investment advisor, accountant, or other professional advisor. If legal advice or expert assistance is required, you should engage the services of a competent professional.
Report your gift
Have you already included SUWA in your estate planning? Thank you! Please fill out this form to let us know. If you would rather not use the form you can also send an email to Development Associate Heather Rose Martinez,
Designate your beneficiaries

Do you have an IRA, 401(k) or 403 (b), a life insurance policy, savings account, or any other asset that your will does not cover? You can use FreeWill to designate SUWA as a beneficiary of these assets (or a percentage of those assets).
If you would rather not use the form above, we suggest using this language: “I hereby give and bequeath to the Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance (or any successor organization), a non-profit 501(c)(3) membership organization incorporated under the laws of the State of Utah, with a principal address at 425 East 100 South, Salt Lake City, Utah 84111, _____ percent of my estate, (or) the sum of _____ dollars, (or) the following assets: _____.”
Other information
If you’re looking for information about stocks, IRA and QCDs, DAFs, or other ways to give, you can find it here. We also have information about Monthly Giving, Business Members, and Honorary & Gift Memberships. If you have other questions, please send an email to Development Associate Heather Rose Martinez,
- SUWA’s Tax ID # is: 94-2936961
- SUWA’s Legal Address is: 425 East 100 South, Salt Lake City, UT 84111