Volunteer Now

SUWA works to identify how and when your voice will make a difference on a range of important issues affecting the redrock–from fossil fuel leasing, to off-road vehicle policies, to statewide land use planning. Whether you live in Utah or somewhere else in the country, we have ways for you to get involved.

To be whole. To be complete. Wildness reminds us what it means to be human, what we are connected to rather than what we are separate from.

Terry Tempest Williams

Important Actions You Can Take for the Redrock

Sign Up for Text Alerts

Text keyword SUWA to 52886 to join SUWA’s text alert list. You’ll receive occasional texts informing you about rallies, public meetings, and other events and letting you know how to take timely action to protect the redrock. You can also click here to sign up.

Join Our Grassroots Leaders Email List

Email your regional organizer (see below) to join our Grassroots Leader email list—a listserv that keeps you up to date with everything SUWA is working on. Join this list to become a superstar activist!


Learn about Current Issues

Learn about all the current issues SUWA is engaging on now by visiting the Issues tab on our website.

Subscribe to Utah Wilderness News

Sign up to receive regular news clips via email of articles from across the country pertaining to redrock wilderness issues. We search for topical articles and send them to you in digest form, and with links to the original articles. Click to be added to the Utah Wilderness News list. Please type “Subscribe UWN” in the subject line.

Follow Us on Social Media

Follow us on social media to stay informed on what’s happening at SUWA—from events, to public comment periods, to field opportunities!


UtahBased Activism:

Join our Utah based activist network! Email our Utah organizer Nicole Milavetz at nicole@suwa.org or our LatinX organizer Diana Haro at diana@suwa.org to get involved here in Utah. 

Utah-based volunteering opportunities include staffing outreach tables at events across the state (from farmer’s markets to Pride festivals to street fairs), writing letters to the editor, showing up at rallies, submitting evidence-based comments to land management agencies, and even getting out in the field. Volunteers help make our organizing and outreach efforts successful!

National Activism:

Join our national activist network! Contact your regional organizer to get learn how.

West Coast Organizer: Jenny Holmes at jenny@suwa.org
Southwest Organizer: Kaya Tate at kaya@suwa.org
Midwest Organizer: Chris Riccardo at chris@suwa.org
Eastern Organizer: Rachel Carlson: rachel@suwa.org

America’s redrock wilderness is a landscape of national importance, which means advocates from all across the country—and their members of Congress—have a role to play in its protection. Join the effort from anywhere in the U.S. by staffing outreach tables at local events, giving Wild Utah presentations in your area, and reaching out to legislators in their home district.