Facebook Obama (and you could win a prize too)

Aron Ralston has told President Obama to protect Greater Canyonlands. Will you?

President Obama’s decision to reject the Keystone XL pipeline shows what strong leadership on the environment looks like. Now, let’s ask him to show the same leadership in protecting Greater Canyonlands.

The Greater Canyonlands area is one of the largest, wildest and most beautiful landscapes in the American West, containing spectacular geologic formations, 10,000-year-old archeological sites and world class hiking, climbing and rafting.

President Obama has the power to protect the 1.4 million acres of  public BLM land surrounding Canyonlands National Park with the stroke of a pen – if we can convince him to do so. But so far, the Obama administration has continued to defend President Bush’s plans that leave this area open to rampant off-road vehicle abuse, proposed uranium and tar sands mining, and oil and gas development.

Tell President Obama that YOU want to see Greater Canyonlands protected.  It’s easy — just join our photo campaign or visit www.greatercanyonlands.org to find out other ways you can amplify your message.

Join our Facebook photo campaign asking President Obama to protect Greater Canyonlands!

Print out our President Obama: Protect Greater Canyonlands sign (or make your own), snap a photo of yourself holding the sign, and share it on Facebook. It’s super easy with our simple uploading tool — just click the blue button at right and follow the instructions on our Facebook page. If you are not on Facebook, you can still participate. Just send your photo to jackie@suwa.org.

If you provide your email, you’ll be entered into a random drawing for a Petzl headlamp or another awesome prize every month, and for the grand prize drawing of an Ultralight custom backpack in fall 2012. Big thanks to Ultralight Adventure Equipment and Petzl for their generous prize donations!

President Obama CAN protect Greater Canyonlands, but he needs to hear from you!