The wilderness debt ceiling cannot be raised
“If I could make my case to President Obama, I would say that wilderness is the one debt ceiling we should never raise. We have already spent too much of our children’s inheritance to justify spending more. Most of the wilderness land in the West cannot be borrowed for oil, gas, and mining projects and returned because desert (mountain or lowland), once disturbed, cannot repair itself.” Op-ed – The Salt Lake Tribune
Protecting public land is a political winner for Obama
“Yes, we understand the political pressures the president is under — ‘It’s the economy, stupid.’ Obama wants to be reelected in 2012, and he’s trying to avoid battles over environmental protections that some perceive as harmful to economic growth. But we agree with Babbitt, who pointed out in his speech that American voters support conservation, making it a political winner, not a loser. They’ll back a president who stands up for preserving public lands for the public.” Editorial – Los Angeles Times
Former Secretary Babbitt gave Obama sound advice
“Mr. Babbitt also said President Obama should emulate President Bill Clinton, Mr. Babbitt’s old boss, who faced similar opposition after the 1994 Republican revolution but came roaring back. After wavering for a while, he seized the lead on conservation issues and threatened to veto all anti-environmental legislation. The public supported him; the Republicans retreated. It is sound advice.” Editorial – The New York Times
Rep. Bishop mischaracterizes use of Antiquities Act
“The Antiquities Act was passed in 1908 so that presidents could act quickly to save exceptional public lands from threats such as oil drilling and mining. Waiting for Congress to act is not always a good option.” Letter-to-the-Editor – The Washington Post