Utah Wilderness News, February 18, 2011

A “fat, aging man” on why he supports protecting wilderness

“Have we become so selfish and so greedy that we have to have everything right now, as cheap as possible, no matter the cost to the environment and to those who follow us? Can’t we choose to share not only the beauty of Utah’s wild places but their bounty with future generations?

I might be a fat, aging man. But I still think it’s a good idea to set aside as much wilderness as possible.”  Read more – The Salt Lake Tribune

Really, Utah counties think these are roads?

“Here’s some very brief legal background for the amusing photos which follow. A one-sentence provision of the Mining Law of 1866 (not a typo — 145 years ago) allows for the ‘right-of-way for the construction of highways across public lands.’ This statute was later renamed RS2477. In 1976 it was repealed, but the repeal was subject to valid existing rights. Just what constitutes a valid existing right in this context is open to debate, as is the extent of this right. When rural western counties realized this could be a tool for sabotaging wilderness, they took a very extreme view as to what ‘highways’ existed as a result of RS2477.”  Commentary – The Huffington Post

Who gives a crap about the opportunity for solitude?  Hey, we do!

“Denunciation of Salazar’s proposal was the overwhelming sentiment during the Club 20 meeting, which was attended by about 45 people.

Kathy Hall, a former Club 20 chairwoman, called the designation an ‘underhanded attempt to create wilderness’ by administrative action instead of by an act of Congress.

One criteria for the designation of a wild land would be the opportunity afforded for solitude and personal reflection.

‘What does that crap have to do with anything?’ rancher Harry Peroulis said.”  Read more – Grand Junction Sentinel