Here’s what is happening this month with the redrock:
1. Artists & photographers support protecting Greater Canyonlands!
2. Help us collect 10,000 postcards to the President
3. Join us for the SUWA Roundup this fall!
4. Ask your members of Congress to cosponsor the redrock bill
Calling all artists and photographers!
White Canyon, off route 95 2011 oil on masonite, 9″ x 12″ by Gregory William Frux |
Greater Canyonlands has provided the landscape for stunning photographs and inspired paintings, prints and drawings. As part of our campaign to protect the region, we are compiling a list of artists and photographers who want to help defend this amazing redrock landscape. We plan to use art in the coming months as a way to promote the value of protecting the wild places in the Greater Canyonlands region.
To add your name to the list of “Artists and Photographers for Greater Canyonlands” please contact SUWA’s National Grassroots Organizer, Jackie Feinberg, at
Visit to see images from artists and photographers who have already signed on in support of protecting Greater Canyonlands.
Help us collect 10,000 postcards for Greater Canyonlands
This summer, help us demonstrate that people from Utah and across the country want to see Greater Canyonlands protected. To date, we have collected thousands of signed postcards from ordinary American citizens who love our wild places and want the Obama administration to protect this stunning landscape. But we need your help to reach our goal of 10,000 postcards by the fall!
To get involved, send an email to the SUWA grassroots organizer in your region (contact information is below). We will mail you the postcards and informational materials, and your role will be to collect signatures and mail them back to us. We are delivering a stack of postcards every week to the Department of Interior in DC. Whether you think you can collect 5 postcards or 500, any help is greatly appreciated!
In Utah: Deeda Seed,
In the Southwest: Terri Martin,
In the Northwest: Brooke Williams,
In the Midwest: Gina Riggs,
In the East: Jackie Feinberg,
WHAT: Legendary annual gathering of Utah wilderness lovers in the San Rafael Swell
WHEN: Starts at 7 PM September 23 through the morning of Sept 25
WHERE: Hidden Splendor Mine area (map available at
To RSVP: Fill out this form or contact SUWA’s Membership Coordinator, Kathene Audette, at, (801) 236-3763
Enjoy a weekend of fun, guided hikes, service projects, and informational wilderness talks. The Roundup offers wilderness lovers, SUWA members and staff the opportunity to get to know each other while relaxing in the beautiful San Rafael Swell. Activities include a discussion of Utah wilderness issues with SUWA staff, a potluck dinner, evening music around the campfire, and—best of all—guided day-hikes in the Muddy Creek proposed wilderness. Sunday morning you’ll awake to freshly brewed coffee and breakfast prepared by the SUWA staff in thanks for all your support and dedication.
Ask your members of Congress to support protecting the redrock
The list of cosponsors for America’s Red Rock Wilderness Act (H.R. 1916/S. 979) continues to grow in the 112th Congress! Currently, lead sponsors Sen. Durbin (D-IL) and Rep. Hinchey (D-NY) are joined by 82 cosponsors in the House and 10 in the Senate. Recently signed on members of Congress include Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) and Reps. Betty Sutton (D-OH), Luis Gutierrez (D-IL), Ted Deutch (D-FL), Dave Loebsack (D-IA), Bruce Braley (D-IA), Stephen Lynch (D-MA), Peter DeFazio (D-OR), and John Tierney (D-MA). Please thank your members of Congress if they have cosponsored the bill!
If your members of Congress are not on the list of cosponsors, please ask them to cosponsor America’s Red Rock Wilderness Act today!
Sign the petition to save Greater Canyonlands