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Frequently Asked Questions
How Do I Register?
First, complete a General Application Form. You may select up to (2) projects. (We limit the project quantity to allow the most possible volunteers to join our projects.) Our staff will review your application and get in touch with you directly by phone or email to confirm your registration.
How Do I Get To The Project Site? Are Rides Available?
Stewardship Volunteers are expected to provide their own transportation to and from the project site. However, when possible, carpools are organized with SUWA staff or between volunteers traveling from the same region.
Who Can Join?
Everyone is encouraged to Apply. Parameters for each project will determine suitability based upon criteria of Experience, Physical Competence and Project Logistics.
Do I Need My Own Insurance?
All of our Stewardship Volunteers are required to complete and sign a Volunteer Agreement. Our Project Coordinators take every precaution in the field, and are fully trained for incident management. However, ultimate liability rests upon each individual volunteer. By signing our Volunteer Agreement, you agree in full to the terms therein described. If you have any questions, or would like something clarified, please contact us directly at volunteer@suwa.org
I Cannot Attend An Upcoming Project, But I Would Like To Stay Informed.
No problem! You may be added to our Stewardship Volunteer Roster to receive monthly updates on service opportunities. New projects are added frequently. We encourage you to join the roster and to visit our Upcoming Projects page regularly.