Colorado College students call for Greater Canyonlands National Monument from Sierra Club National on Vimeo.
The following short video (the 4th in a series of five short films created by young people on the importance of protecting Greater Canyonlands), features students from Colorado College on an “annual pilgrimage” to Greater Canyonlands as they grapple with the questions “How can we protect this awe-inspiring place for the future? How can we advocate for such natural beauty? How can we become stewards?”
In an effort to give back to the land, they spend four days building a new trail to minimize human-caused erosion in a popular climbing area.
But after viewing oil and gas drilling that is encroaching on the area, and learning about the threat of tar sands development from local residents, they conclude that larger actions are needed to protect the area for the future.
“What the group found was that regardless how it happens, local Utahns, conservationists, and members of the outdoor recreation industry all basically want the same future for Greater Canyonlands,” concludes one student, “one that acknowledges and protects the inherent value of this amazing natural space.”