We’ve known for months that the State of Utah plans to bring a reckless suit against the Department of Interior to get claim to 18,000 “routes” across federal lands--most of them dirt tracks, dry washes and cow paths. Today we learned members of Congress are aware of it too, and...
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R.S. 2477 Returns with a Vengeance – Redrock Report February 2012
Here's what is happening this month with the redrock: 1. We're now staring down the barrel of a massive lawsuit... 2. Join the campaign to protect Greater Canyonlands! 3. SUWA asks agency to protect the Colorado and Green Rivers. 4. Attend redrock events in Colorado and New York this March.
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R.S. 2477 Returns with a Vengeance
Today, R.S. 2477 has become the most serious threat to the future of Utah’s remaining wild lands, designated wilderness, national parks and national monuments in decades.
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Tell Governor Herbert to Stop the Land Grab
Please call Governor Herbert at 800-705-2464 and ask him to stop his attack on our precious public lands.
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“The Wild Bunch”
Salt Lake City Weekly reports: "Public lands office goes in guns blazing, hiring cronies and sparing no taxpayer expense fighting the feds"
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