Utah Wilderness News, May 4, 2010

Department of Interior needs to clarify and prioritize

SUWA’s own Associate Director Heidi McIntosh writes an impassioned editorial about Department of the Interior Secretary Ken Salazar’s visit to Utah. 

Read more at The Salt Lake Tribune. 

Commissioners and Environmentalists unite to work towards San Jaun bill

Senator Bob Bennett has begun holding meetings with stakeholders in a public land use bill. The bill resolves most issues with land designation and road use within San Juan county. 

The bill will “end uncertainty,” says Sen. Bennett, as to what land will be protected under wilderness guidelines and which will be open for public use. 

San Juan County favors maintaining public access to all public lands, while environmental stakeholders are fighting for greater wilderness protection.

Read more at The Moab Times-Independent.

Dusty snow making Colorado a total bummer

Sever dust storms have been wreaking havoc on mountains, accelerating snow melt and harming local ecosystems.  

“The dust is definitely trashing the snow pack,” says Lisa Branner of
Silverton-based Venture Snowboards, “causing it to heat up, rot out and
melt faster — shortening what could have been a great spring touring

The near constant soil destabilization in southeastern Utah is the main culprit responsible for the shortened Colorado ski season. The dust, kicked up by mining, recreation and mechanical activity, goes north and makes a home in the San Juan mountains. 

With Senator Bennett in talks about how to properly regulate activity in these dust producing areas, SUWA is encouraging Utahans and Coloradans to make their voices heard. 

Read more at ESPN.