More than 30 dedicated redrock activists are taking time out of their busy schedules to come to Washington, D.C. this week to lobby Congress in support of America’s Red Rock Wilderness Act, which will be reintroduced soon in both the Senate and House of Representatives. They’re coming from Utah and from around the country to ask members of Congress to cosponsor the bill.
But they can’t do it alone. Please take a moment out of your day to ask your congressional delegation to cosponsor America’s Red Rock Wilderness Act, too!
America’s Red Rock Wilderness Act is the seminal vision for protecting 9.2 million acres of Utah’s breathtaking redrock country in its natural state for all future generations to enjoy. Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) will be reintroducing the legislation this Congress, and Rep. Rush Holt of New Jersey will introduce it in the House, picking up where former Utah Rep. Wayne Owens and retired New York Rep. Maurice Hinchey left off.
Show these champions your support by asking your Congress members to cosponsor.
The activists flying in this week are students and seniors, naturalists and small business owners. They come from Moab, Salt Lake City and Escalante, Utah, from California to Michigan to Maine—and many places in between. They’ll have dozens of meetings, very tired feet and a bevy of new and returning congressional redrock supporters when this week is over.
Help them with their mission—ask your Congress members to cosponsor America’s Red Rock Wilderness Act!
This bill is the bedrock legislation to protect and preserve the Utah wilderness on behalf of all Americans. Please ask your members of Congress to cosponsor it today!