Moab Residents Welcome Greater Canyonlands National Monument Discussion

This past Friday, more than 150 residents of Moab turned out at the historic Star Hall for an evening with the Greater Canyonlands Coalition to talk about Greater Canyonlands: The Next 50 Years.

The event started out with a reading by author Terry Tempest Williams.

Terry Tempest Williams reads at the Greater Canyonlands Coalition 50th Celebration in Moab, Friday, September 12, 2014. Photo: Tim Peterson
Terry Tempest Williams reads at the Greater Canyonlands Coalition 50th Celebration in Moab, Friday, September 12, 2014. Photo: Tim Peterson

And was followed by a special preview of the film Our Canyonlands, produced by filmmaker Justin Clifton in partnership with the Grand Canyon Trust.


The evening ended with a panel discussion moderated by SUWA’s Mathew Gross and featuring Emily Stock of Canyon Country Rising Tide; Walt Dabney, former superintendent of Canyonlands National Park; and Grand Canyon Trust Executive Director Bill Hedden.

Mathew Gross moderates a panel discussion with Emily Stock. Bill Hedden, and Walt Dabney pn Friday, September 12, 2014 at Moab's Star Hall. Photo: Tim Peterson.
Mathew Gross moderates a panel discussion with Emily Stock. Bill Hedden, and Walt Dabney pn Friday, September 12, 2014 at Moab’s Star Hall. Photo: Tim Peterson.

During the question and answer period, a number of Moab locals voiced support for the proposed Greater Canyonlands National Monument, for which support in Moab is higher than often expected.