Our monthly e-newsletter with the latest on redrock wilderness news and events.
Read MoreJuly 2014 Redrock Report
How Dust on Colorado’s Snow Could Ruin Your Salad “If your lettuce doesn’t get grown in California, you notice that in Washington, D.C.” So says Jayne Belnap, an ecologist […]
Read MoreOil and Gas Industry Appeals BLM Decision Not to Lease in San Rafael Swell
Last year the BLM proposed to sell 57 oil and gas leases primarily located in Utah’s stunning San Rafael Swell. The leases would have green-lighted development on more than 80,000 acres of […]
Read MoreConstitution: 1; State of Utah: 0 – Redrock Report July 2013
Here's what is happening this month with the redrock: 1. The Utah state legislature's anti-federal government campaign hits a brick wall called the U.S. Constitution. 2. Take action for wild Utah this summer! 3. SUWA's annual Backyard Bash celebrates our community of citizen activists. 4. The BLM has a lot...
Read MoreTell BLM: Don’t sacrifice Labyrinth Canyon for fertilizer! – Redrock Report June 2013
Here's what is happening this month with the redrock: 1. Don't let the BLM sacrifice Labyrinth Canyon for fertilizer! 2. Support in the Senate for protecting Utah wilderness is on the rise. 3. Educators tell Utah legislators they are chasing imaginary unicorns. 4. Moab residents discuss the Greater Canyonlands National...
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