Saturday, April 21st brought sunshine and smiles to Moab, Utah as hundreds of people came out to Swanny City Park for the 1st Annual Moab Earth Day Bazaar: An Ode to Greater Canyonlands. The day-long event offered local art, craft and food vendors, performances by local musicians and educational opportunities on topics such as the proposed Green River nuclear power plant, tar sands and oil shale development, and an overview of SUWA’s Greater Canyonlands campaign.

For our part, SUWA staff spent the day discussing the Greater Canyonlands campaign with the local community, including conversations about the existing and foreseeable threats to the region (such as oil, natural gas and potash exploration, mineral leasing and off-road vehicle use), what SUWA’s doing to help increase protection for the region and how individuals can get involved to help raise awareness of Greater Canyonlands locally and nationally. The message was well received and those present expressed vast support for additional protections for this awe-inspiring area that we all know and love. We’re looking forward to keeping the drum beating on Greater Canyonlands and hope that the noise carries all the way to the White House. Speaking of President Obama, he even showed up to the event and graciously took photos with Greater Canyonlands supporters all afternoon (well, it may have been a really life-like cardboard cutout).
Check out the Protect Greater Canyonlands Facebook page for more photos, and mark your calendars to come and celebrate sustainability, community and Greater Canyonlands in 2013!