It’s an exciting time for friends of redrock country!
The San Juan-Canyonlands region of southeastern Utah contains some of the most iconic landscapes of the American West, including the ancient ruins of Cedar Mesa, the serpentine San Juan River, and the maze of canyons that comprise White Canyon in the citizen-proposed Glen Canyon Wilderness. All told, 1.3 million acres in this region are citizen-proposed wilderness in America’s Red Rock Wilderness Act.
Utah’s Sen. Bob Bennett recognizes the value of protecting these magnificent wild lands and has written to the Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance and other stakeholders asking for input so we can work together to craft a wilderness bill
for the area. This is an exciting opportunity to achieve lasting
protection for some of Utah’s most significant wild lands.
With our partners in the Utah Wilderness Coalition we are
recommending ways to approach the complex landscape of the San Juan-Canyonlands region – looking at region-wide landscape and ecosystem protection, rather than focusing
on disconnected individual units. We are encouraging Sen. Bennett to engage in this landscape-based regional approach by taking field trips, meeting with constituents, and taking the time to discuss conflicts and ways to resolve them. We want to make certain that we use this real opportunity to resolve
wilderness issues in the region and that we do it right.
However, the current proposed time period for input is extremely short. So, to help ensure a transparent and inclusive process, we are asking you to write your members of Congress today to ask that the San Juan-Canyonlands
wilderness gets the care and consideration it deserves. It took thousands of years to shape these vistas, and we must be certain protection for them is as carefully crafted.