Cedar Mesa deserves wilderness designation
Sen. Bob Bennett wants to expand the model for wilderness designation
that he and Democratic Rep. Jim Matheson put together for Washington
County. But now that Bennett won’t be returning to the Senate next
year, the unprecedented progress he made in bringing various
stakeholders together could be in jeopardy. Losing that momentum would
be a mistake for everyone involved. Read more–Salt Lake Tribune
Black Diamond CEO: Public lands conservation carries long-term economic benefits
The outdoor industry depends on public land
so its consumers have a place to recreate using the products it sells.
The economic value of these open spaces is not a problem — it is a
proven resource on which these corporations and an ecosystem of other
smaller businesses depend to ensure current and future profitability.
The need for progressive conservation to protect wild lands drives
current economic growth in perpetuity for generations to come.
Conserving open space and restoring public land secure them as a
renewable resource for recreational-based industry and tourism while
maintaining other important environmental values such as clean air,
water, wildlife and habitat. Read more–Salt Lake Tribune
Sec. Salazar says compromise key at Salt Lake listening session, praises SUWA's example
Interior Secretary Ken Salazar brought his
“listening sessions” to a cramped downtown Salt Lake City hotel
conference room as part of President Barack Obama’s “Great Outdoors
Initiative.” The goal: Allow disparate interests to search for
solutions to Utah’s various land-use conundrums.
“There is great promise in Utah,” Salazar said, “that disputes that
have gone on for generation after generation can be resolved by
reasonable people.”
…Time and again, Abbey and Salazar referred to last week’s agreement
between energy giant Bill Barrett Corp. and SUWA. The company agreed to
scale back wells on the West Travaputs Plateau between Nine Mile Canyon
and Desolation Canyon if SUWA wouldn’t fight the natural-gas leases in
court. Read more–Salt Lake Tribune