Today and tomorrow, the House of Representatives will be voting on the Continuing Appropriations Resolution and hundreds of amendments that have already been filed. Please tell your Representative to oppose attacks on our wild lands!
The bill is a disaster for the environment – taking aim at safeguards for air, land, water and human health. The underlying bill already includes an attempt to block implementation of the Bureau of Land Management’s Wild Lands Policy that was announced at the end of last year. This policy simply reinstates the BLM’s ability to inventory and protect lands that possess wilderness character, and does not usurp Congressional authority as opponents claim.
Additionally, an amendment has been offered to block the use of the Antiquities Act – the Presidential authority that is used to create national monuments. This important authority has been used consistently for more than a century to protect some of the Colorado Plateau’s most stunning landscapes — places like Arches, Bryce and Zion National Parks as well as the Grand Staircase-Escalante, Cedar Breaks and Natural Bridges National Monuments. Scrapping this authority would tie the President’s hands at a time when he needs this power most to protect large tracts of public land from the effects of climate change.
Another amendment would completely eliminate funding for the National Landscape Conservation System, which would be devastating to the over 800 BLM national monuments, wilderness areas, wilderness study areas, national conservation areas, and other BLM landscapes the Conservation System is charged to protect.
Thank you for taking action!