This is an urgent call to action to everyone who loves Greater Canyonlands.
We just learned that there will be a hearing at 4 pm tomorrow (Thursday) at the State Capitol on the resolution introduced yesterday by Senator Dabakis calling for the protection of Greater Canyonlands.
This is our moment! We need to grab it! We need to fill the room with supporters!
Hearing on Resolution to Protect Greater Canyonlands
Utah State Capitol
Room 415
4 PM
Thursday, February 7
Please do whatever you can to be there, and share this alert with friends or invite them to the hearing via Facebook.
There may be an opportunity for people in the audience to address the committee, so if you are inclined, come prepared with a very short, several sentence statement of why you support the Dabakis resolution. To see the resolution and sign on as a citizen cosponsor, go to:
We’ll have bright yellow Wild Utah buttons for you to wear!