A key tool to protect Utah’s redrock country is coming under attack! Please contact your Members of Congress today to let them know how important the Bureau of Land Mangement’s “Wild Lands” Policy is to you!
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Late last year, Interior Secretary Ken Salazar announced a policy that restores wilderness values to their proper place under BLM’s multiple use mandate. For Utah, this means added protection for up to 6 million acres of lands proposed for wilderness in America’s Red Rock Wilderness Act – land that remain open to off-road vehicle routes that damage rare desert streams and historically valuable cultural resources.
Now, the oil & gas industry, ATV manufacturers and their allies in Congress are drawing up plans to handcuff the BLM and keep Bush administration policies in place. In the coming weeks, Congress is set to take up a Continuing Appropriations Resolution – where anti-wilderness representatives may try to block implementation of the “Wild lands” policy.
Please contact your Members of Congress today to let them know that the vast majority of the American public supports the new “Wild lands” policy – that this is not a “land grab” as wilderness opponents claim, but a restoration of a necessary authority used for decades to protect the redrock’s most special places.