Terrific news! The Departments of Interior and Agriculture have announced that they will hold a public meeting on the proposed Bears Ears National Monument on Saturday, July 16th in Bluff, Utah.
This is an exciting step forward in the campaign to convince President Obama to proclaim a Bears Ears National Monument.
If you are in the region, please do whatever you can to attend the meeting in Bluff!
Otherwise, please add your voice to the call for action on Bears Ears by sending an email to the President.
This is a pivotal moment. It is crucial that we show a rising groundswell of support from all corners of the country over the next few months.
You can help by joining our Online Advocacy Team. Once or twice a week, we will email you information and action items that you can share on social media. This is a powerful way to build the chorus of voices calling for presidential action on Bears Ears.
To join, simply click here and fill out the form.
The Bears Ears National Monument proposal presents an extraordinary opportunity to protect one of the most scenically spectacular and archaeologically rich landscapes on the planet and to do something that’s never been done before by creating a national monument that protects Native American ancestral homelands and provides the Tribes a meaningful role in management.
Please help #ProtectBearsEarsNow by taking action and joining our Online Advocacy Team.
Thank you!