
Happy Solstice!

Dec 21st, 2018 Written by suwa

The Winter Solstice has always been a time of celebration and reflection.

Here at SUWA, some of our most meaningful moments have taken place in the redrock. Whether viewing ancient petroglyphs, floating muddy rivers with family and friends, or wandering solo in the canyons, one can’t help but be touched deeply by the beauty of the precious wilderness that belongs to us all.

And because of the support of thousands of people like you, the canyons are still wild, peaceful, and stirring to the soul.

Please, consider making a year-end donation to SUWA today.

Snow Covered Fins, Proposed Behind-the-Rocks BLM Wilderness, Utah La Sal Mountains beyond. Photo (c) Tom Till.

We at SUWA live to protect the redrock. You know this. We stand up to the greed and scare tactics of Utah’s politicians, and to President Trump’s “Energy Dominance” agenda. We challenge the federal agencies when they seek to lease lands that should be protected as wilderness to oil and gas companies, or when they clearcut pinyon and juniper forests to create more forage for cattle and big game species.

Defending Utah wilderness is what we do — but we can’t do it without the support of people like you.

Join thousands of others in protecting Utah wilderness by making a contribution to SUWA today.

The end of the longest night heralds a shift to brighter days. With your support, we can ensure that those days include the same redrock country and opportunities for solitude we know today, for us and for generations to come.

Thank you for your support, and Happy Solstice.