Here's what is happening this month with the redrock: 1. The Utah state legislature's anti-federal government campaign hits a brick wall called the U.S. Constitution. 2. Take action for wild Utah this summer! 3. SUWA's annual Backyard Bash celebrates our community of citizen activists. 4. The BLM has a lot...
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Don’t let them turn Utah’s public lands into an Estonian wasteland!
Please plan on attending one of two BLM open houses being held this week in Salt Lake City and Vernal to tell the BLM and Enefit, an Estonian-owned oil shale company, that you don’t want to see oil shale developed in Utah.
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Lawsuit Launched Against 800,000-acre Domestic Oil Shale, Tar Sands Plan
Federal Plan Threatens Land, Water, Wildlife and Greenhouse Gas Emissions as Carbon Dioxide Nears Dangerous 400 ppm Milestone A coalition of conservation groups today filed a 60-day notice of intent […]
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A monumental error about monuments
Yesterday, in the Sun Advocate - the Carbon County local newspaper - contributing writer Dennis Willis discussed the economics of the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument.
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Take a protect Greater Canyonlands photo! Daryl Hannah and Neil Young did.
Daryl Hannah and Neil Young were in Moab last Friday and showed their support for protecting Greater Canyonlands!
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