To illustrate the importance of protecting Greater Canyonlands for future generations, groups of young people and college students have created a series of short films shot in the area.
Brigham Young University students call for a Greater Canyonlands National Monument
The first in a series of student films about Greater Canyonlands.
Roland Hall (SLC) High School students call for a Greater Canyonlands National Monuments
When Utah high school student Kelsey Oliver learned about the campaign to convince President Obama to protect Greater Canyonlands she leapt into action, organizing a student excursion to the area.
A personal plea for Greater Canyonlands
In the third in a series of five short films created by young people on the importance of protecting Greater Canyonlands, Taylor Graham describes how he grew up exploring the deep wild canyons of southern Utah, which left him invigorated with a “powerful love of life.”
Colorado College students’ annual pilgrimage — No, it’s not to Daytona.
The following short video (the 4th in a series of five short films created by young people on the importance of protecting Greater Canyonlands), features students from Colorado College on an “annual pilgrimage” to Greater Canyonlands as they grapple with the questions “How can we protect this awe-inspiring place for the future? How can we advocate for such natural beauty? How can we become stewards?”
University of Utah students: Protect Greater Cayonlands
The following short video (the last in a series of five short films) highlights students from the University of Utah who spent a semester studying an increasing body of research that shows how spending time in nature enhances a person’s high level cognitive functioning, creative problem solving and sense of well-being.