Wild Utah! — The Traveling Slideshow
SUWA’s popular multi-media slideshow, Wild Utah: America’s Redrock Wilderness features interviews, stunning photos and video, and compelling narration by longtime wilderness activist Robert Redford. Audiences will walk away with a better understanding of the issues affecting Utah wilderness and what they can do to make a difference. Click here for more details.
St. George BLM Wilderness Celebration
Friday, April 25, 2014
Washington County, Utah
Join staff from the St. George BLM office for a hike in new Washington County Wilderness Areas. RSVP to Iris Picat, volunteer coordinator: (435) 688-3346, ipicat@blm.gov.
2014 SUWA Roundup
September 19-21
Hidden Splendor in the San Rafael Swell
The Roundup offers SUWA members, activists and staff the opportunity to get to know each other while relaxing in the beautiful San Rafael Swell. Activities include a discussion of Utah wilderness issues with SUWA staff, a potluck dinner, evening music around the campfire, and—best of all—guided day-hikes in the Muddy Creek proposed wilderness (other activities TBA). Click here for more details or to RSVP.