
SUWA Defends Bears Ears in the New York Times and Washington Post

May 18th, 2017 Written by Mathew Gross

Last week, Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke came to Utah to “review” Bears Ears and Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monuments — and SUWA supporters were on the ground to meet him in force.

The day before he arrived, more than 3,000 people rallied at the State Capitol in Salt Lake City to show their support for Utah’s wild lands and monuments. More than 500 showed up the next day at the BLM offices while Sec. Zinke held a perfunctory meeting with tribes. And when he showed up at Butler Wash Ruin in the middle of Bears Ears National Monument, nearly 70 supporters were on hand with signs and banners urging him to leave our monuments alone. An additional 300 people rallied the next day in Kanab to show their support for Grand Staircase-Escalante.

But even though Sec. Zinke has left the state, we can’t let up — we need to bring the message directly to him and to President Trump to leave our monuments alone. That’s why SUWA is running full page ads today in both The New York Times and The Washington Post.

Click on the image above to see the ad in full (opens in PDF).

Although Zinke’s “listening tour” was decidedly one-sided, we’re not going to leave anything on the field in our efforts to protect our monuments — and to convince President Trump and Ryan Zinke to ignore the caterwauling of Utah politicians and leave Bears Ears and Grand Staircase intact.

Help us keep up the fight to protect Bears Ears and Grand Staircase-Escalante by making a contribution today!

We rely on your continued support to keep up this fight — on the ground, in the courts, and in the media.

Thank you for standing up for the redrock.

Also, if you haven’t already done so, please submit your public comment to Sec. Zinke about Bears Ears! The comment period ends a week from today!