Western attorneys general cast doubt on Utah’s bid to control federal lands (Salt Lake Tribune, September 30, 2016)
PLI would be the first Indian land grab in 100 years (Salt Lake Tribune op-ed, September 17, 2016)
Rep. Rob Bishop’s Public Lands Initiative is a public lands disaster (Ogden Standard Examiner op-ed, September 15, 2016)
Rep. Bishop’s zeal is PLI’s Achilles heel (Deseret News op-ed, September 4, 2016)
Utah’s leaders blew their chance for negotiation on Bears Ears (Salt Lake Tribune 0p-ed, August 20, 2016)
Rep. Bishop’s PLI should be a concern to all of us (St. George Spectrum 0p-ed, July 31, 2016)
Public Lands Initiative is too little, too late (Salt Lake Tribune Editorial, July 16, 2016)
Tribal Concerns Ignored by Bishop’s Public Lands Bill (Bears Ears Inter-Tribal Coalition Statement), July 14, 2016
PLI process forged agreements that aren’t in final bill (Salt Lake Tribune 0p-ed, March 4, 2016)
Bishop’s public lands bill skewered in citizens hearing (Deseret News, March 2, 2016)
Conservationists say Public Lands Initiative would do more harm than good in Utah (Salt Lake Tribune, March 2, 2016)
Herbert is wrong about Bears Ears monument, and it’s not just Navajos who know it (Salt Lake Tribune 0p-ed, Feb 27, 2016)
Why the PLI failed American Indians in San Juan County (Salt Lake Tribune 0p-ed, Feb. 15, 2016)
Utah’s public lands ‘grand bargain’ fall on its face (The Hill, Feb. 11, 2016)
PLI fails to protect America’s treasures, including Bears Ears, so Obama should (Salt Lake Tribune 0p-ed, Feb. 6, 2016)
The path forward after Rep. Bishop’s failed PLI (Deseret News 0p-ed, Jan. 31, 2016)
Public Lands Initiative takes an Oregon-standoff approach to grazing (Salt Lake Tribune 0p-ed, Jan. 30, 2016)
Youth leaders reject PLI (Moab Sun News guest column, Jan. 28, 2016)
Long awaited PLI is a giveaway to counties and oil and gas industry (Salt Lake Tribune 0p-ed, Jan. 23, 2016)
Its’ time for Obama to make Bears Ears in Utah a national monument (Los Angeles Times 0p-ed, Jan. 21, 2016)
Public Lands Initiative Legislation Falls Short of Meeting Local Needs (Bears Ears Inter-Tribal Coalition Letter to Reps. Bishop and Chaffetz, Jan. 20, 2016)
Ute Indian Tribe Strongly Opposes Proposals to Give Away Lands and Minerals within its Uintah and Ouray Reservation (Press Release, Jan. 20, 2016)
Eastern Utah Lands at Risk with Public Lands Initiative (Outdoor Alliance Policy News, Jan. 20, 2016)
Rob Bishop’s “Public Lands Initiative” is an Insidious Attack on Our Public Lands (Center for Western Priorities blog, Jan. 19, 2016)